Wisdom Nexus Institute was a concept developed by existential psychologist Dr Norman Katz PhD and frequency engineer Avery Runner. Ideas for the organization began with chuckles and grins back before 2020, preceding the great COVID pandemic. Through a hugely transformative phase, the original concepts became tempered by time and thought, and the determination to establish the foundation was realized early in 2023. Through those years, coding expert Jopa Jones at MyTech Solutions worked meticulously with Avery for on the web site development, creating a custom content management system free of bugs, and our library began to form.
Dr Norman Katz aka DR BLUE passed away in late 2023. His legacy and forward thinking ideals will be carried with the institute for the lifetime of the organization. A legend in his own right, DR BLUE created a network of positive thinking people who continue to contribute to Wisdom Nexus today. Concepts on integrating shamanism into conventional western medicine, working with psychedelic states for personal transformation, and teaching timelessness and visualization to maintain optimal living are among many fundamental curiosities this organization strives to better understand.
Avery Runner is a studio composer of 30 years, responsible for managing Ishtara Music and Star Active Records. As a professional DJ performer, sound healer, festival promoter and stage designer, Avery brings tactile experiences of creating sanctuaries of metamorphosis. A special focus on bringing people together in a state of celebration and sharing workshops on groundbreaking research, is what provides the nurturing and transformative approach unique to Wisdom Nexus.
Wisdom Nexus Institute is building a retreat center at Mineral Hot Spring, Colorado. Designed on sacred geometry and crystalline geometries, the structure will host our physical library and research center once completed. Please support PHASE 1 of the construction process by donating to our fundraising campaign.
Wisdom Nexus Institute seeks to bridge the worlds of ancient mysticism and modern science by advancing flow in creative learning processes. By generating new paradigms of life optimization training we seek to further integrate mind, body and spirit while providing a network of wisdom keepers who share advancements in various fields of study.
Our primary goal includes the establishment of an online community oriented towards emerging techniques for achieving advanced skill sets and life mastery. Additionally we are building a retreat center at Mineral Hot Springs, Colorado where we can provide advanced training workshops in the fields of science, art, music, healing and mysticism. With the implementation of this learning center, our board of advisors will be empowered to develop specialized curriculum focused on the needs of our growing community. Basing our advancements on the premise that we grow collectively through community celebration, Wisdom Nexus provides an emerging platform for the evolution of education.