Top 99 Black Belt Self Hypnosis Skills

Source: Dr Norman Katz and Avery Runner
Published: 2023-07-28



Developed by Dr Norman Katz PhD : Edits and additions by Avery Runner

instant time travel, to past, present and future. multiple time line realities possible like in string theory in quantum physics

humor, ability to tell self joke and beginning laughing, and see humor and paradox in all situations

increased creativity as needed, transcend functional fixedness, and create new uses for objects, tools, situations

ability to reframe anything

ability to create synthesis to create positive action, altered states of consciousness

ability to make pain disappear

ability to increase pleasure to ecstatic levels

ability to shift mood instantly

ability to tap into higher consciousness, both neurologically and to source (the universe)

ability to become WISE without thinking (i.e. go into trance in which wisdom flows)

abilities to see life as movie with in movie within movies and change the stories

ability to profoundly relax and melt, both physically and mentally to be comfortable both inside and outside shared realities

ability to balance two nervous systems, sympathetic an parasympathetic, i.e. hypno-autogenics master

ability to come out of shell and act immediately, go fast or slow

ability to tell stories within stories within stories with threaded key meanings or concepts

ability to create useful symptoms as necessary e.g. lust for reading certain materials, exercise, etc

ability to create amnesia or hyper recall memory (memory palace)

ability to be in the now in slow motion

ability to enter mystical states of oneness or everythingness and transition through the infinity loop

ability to create and radiate happiness, joy and energy

ability to avoid the DARK SIDE of hypnotic hexes, vengeance or negative energy and to recognize when others are doing such and intervene

ability to do hypnotic shamanic ceremonies to invoke sacred space

ability to intervene in disease or create disease

ability to discern the "truth" or "lies" of self and others trance states hypnotic protection of self and others, use of attention filters

sensory awareness enhancement (charlotte selver) both internal and external\mastering use of breathing

peak performance, for self and others golf example, 2 holes in one in a row

ability to direct and choose trances for self and others (magic number in psychology 87 plus or minus two)

ability to completely let go

ability to experience and create compassion through mirror neurons

ability to alter blood blow: for healing woe,, pain control, sex therapy

ability to have too much fun

ability to create and use posthypnotic suggestion for self and others psychoimmunology and general well being

ability to will to live and to enjoy life

ability to find meaning and purpose in any situation, circumstances and life challenge

ability to control altered states of consciousness both from plant guides, extreme circumstances and as training and for emergency interventions

ability to tap into special energies

ability to erase self and know nothing and be the fool

ability to deal with death, dying and transitions

ability to hallucinate and know what is not real simultaneously

ability for extreme selective attention

ability to shift identity, archetypes and PERSONALITY Constellations

ABILITY to deal with change, both small and large

ability for discernment: what to pay attention and listen to

ability to keep evolving

ability to recognize that we are the healing force, only the gateways

ability to have supreme confidence

ability to recognize synchronicity and act on it

ability to shift energy, both physically, metaphysically and also medically

ability to recognize when less is more (homeopathy) see Dr Weil, marriage of the sun and moon book

ability to see through culture and its assumptions in different cultures

ability to contact the ancestors and invite their presence and wisdom

ability contact DNA wisdom and ancestral memories

ability to do fractal healing

ability to stay open and curious

increased capacity for self love and sense of self worth

ability to enter our collective consciousness field in a single breath

capacity to resonate a field of compassion across communities and heal remotely

ability to see auras and energy fields

ability to move subtle energy with mindful intention

acute awareness of body language and ability to read the intentions of others

ability to selectively choose responses to external stress points

ability to quiet inner chatter of the mind

have control over emergency responses (fight or flight/panic) and balance sympathetic and parasympathetic states by reenforcing healthy dendritic neural pathways

ability to dance until you become light as a feather

ability to recognize resistance at the onset and chart appropriate actions to address the challenge

power to direct creative energy at will and invoke inspiration among the mundane

harness and compost fear and anger to be directed toward positive outcomes or change

control our brainwaves rather than allowing them to be entrained by superfluous frequencies

learn to see in the dark

learn to astral project

learn to remote view

learn to sense thoughts, ESP

ability to watch the I seeing the self develop emotions prior to thought waves forming in the mind

emotional mastery : broaden emotional window of tolerance, emotional healing & regulation as in Mindfulness Based Somatic Emotional Processing (MBSEP by Robert Weisz)

develop greater balance of Flow consciousness with needed recovery time

actualize life goals and develop self discipline

develop enhanced lucid dreaming

maintain a positive attitude and hold a high frequency amongst negativity

enhance abilities to create healthy boundaries for self and clearly communicate boundaries in all relationships

ability to actively listen

ability to recognize our shortcomings and admit when we are wrong and take action to improve

ability to create abundance

enhance ability to resonate with beauty

enhance creative abilities of artists, musicians and authors

improved mediation skills and peace making social interactions

achieve oneness and connectedness with all creation as an interconnected web of moldable

plasma in a field of energy

ability to smile inwardly and reflect on our experiences in relation to infinity (QR training - Quieting Reflex)

ability to cool the mind and warm the body automatically and subconsciously (Autogenics)

maintain an optimistic perspective during times of challenge or strife

always feeling that we are loved and lovable no matter what (ie John Welwood "Perfect Love Imperfect Relationships")

integrated mind body experience that enhances intuition and responds to synchronicity

emit and amplify stable brainwave activity to induce a state of deep relaxation or heightened

consciousness in those around us, entraining the frequency of our environment to optimize our personal flow

ability to recognize elemental imbalances and know how to bring those elements back into balance (ie Traditional Chinese 5 Elements System, Sheng and Ko cycles)

ability to manifest peace within


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